Of Mice, Men, and Donald Trump – John Steinbeck Warned Us

Watching Donald Trump disparage those who are not like him but claim that he represents their interests has been more than a surreal journey to an alternate universe. It’s been a nightmare, for Democrats and Republicans alike.

He is the Skut Farkus in the school yard from A Christmas Story.

He is the male version of Regina George in the classroom from Mean Girls.

Yet, those stories end with a comedic happy ending.

Actually, Trump is the Curley from Of Mice and Men.

Talk about a small powerful book that literally makes big boys cry. It’s that short novella of austere prose that chronicles the story of George Milton and Lennie Small, a giant of a man with a developmental delay.

Curley is the antagonistic character whose low self-esteem and egomania become a force of nature that triggers a series of events that result in the story’s ultimate tragedy.

And the parallels between Curley and Trump are numerous and strikingly real. If you ever thought that literature did not reflect reality and could not cross time periods to teach society poignant lessons, then you need to read more.

Start with this book. It will take you less than two hours.

With a simple compare and contrast of Curley with Trump you will see that there is simply more compare than contrast. MUCH MORE!

Entitlement Curley is the son of the owner of the ranch. He is born into money. He has free reign of the place. People stay out of his way simply because of who his daddy is. Trump was given a fortune to start his empire from his father.
Language Curley barks orders and uses lots of one-syllable words, not because he is trying to sound like a simpleton, but because one syllable words allow him to stress every syllable. He also tends to make a lot of veiled threats.


Trump’s use of the imperative mood and one-syllable buzz words will be its own linguistic course I college one day.


And Trump seems to rely on phantom sources for most of his claims. “Many people are saying”, “I have heard”, and other loose forms of verification allow Trump to make assertions that are baseless.

Hands Curley is a boxer. He also keeps a glove on one of his hands. You should go to the book and find out why. If you do not know of the
controversy surrounding the size of Donald Trump’s hands, then you should not even be voting.
Gender Curley treats his wife as a possession. In fact, SHE DOES NOT EVEN HAVE A NAME. She has to seek attention from elsewhere, which drives Curley anngry, and ultimately leads to Lennie’s death. Megyn Kelly bleeding.

Suggesting Clinton be locked up and even “dealt with” by Second Amendment advocates. Calling Elizabeth Warren “Pocahontas”. Saying he would tell the daughter he would date if she was not his daughter to go to another job if she was harassed. The list goes on and on including dismissing a woman with a crying baby out of a rally.

People with Disabilities Look how Curley goes after Lennie when he realizes that Lennie, while a big man, does not have a fighting temperament. Trump mocked a reporter with disabilities at a rally in one of the more repugnant displays of “presidential” behavior ever seen.
Hairlines Curley has a copious amount of hair with no comb over. No one really knows where Trump’s hairline is.


I had to put one contrast in.


Despite Lennie being able to rebuff an attack from Curley by literally crushing his tiny hand / manhood, Lennie cannot escape Steinbeck’s fate.

Why? Because the actions and words from people carry more weight and force than just what is directed at an intended audience. The power of actions and words go farther and affect many over time. While Trump may think that what he said was true and in “jest” or not represented well by the media, he should be able to realize that it is not what he says that is important but what others hear him say.

And no one has heard him apologize or admit wrongdoing.


3 thoughts on “Of Mice, Men, and Donald Trump – John Steinbeck Warned Us

  1. Pingback: Donald Trump Is My AP Literature Walking Syllabus – Proof That Art Imitates Life | caffeinated rage

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