NC Should Not Have People Crafting Public School Curriculum Who Deny Systemic Racism

“I don’t believe in systemic racism.” – Mark Robinson, Sept. 19th during Lt. Gov. candidate debate.

The two people quoted above are now on the State Board of Education together and have explicitly stated that there be no reference to “systemic racism” in our social studies curriculum.

They are wrong. What has been done in the past still has direct effects on today.

But it would be nice to hear these two state school board members explain:

The "Three-Fifths" compromise - African American Registry
Trail of Tears | PBS LearningMedia
Japanese internment was wrong. Why do some of our leaders still try to  justify it? - Los Angeles Times
The Black Codes and Jim Crow Laws | National Geographic Society
The History of Forced Sterilization in the United States - Our Bodies  Ourselves
The Legacy of Loving v. Virginia | Share This Schools Blog | ProQuest
Criminal Justice Facts | The Sentencing Project
The Supreme Court's big racial gerrymandering decision, explained - Vox
Origins of the Civil Rights Movement - US History Civil Rights Project