Just Five Parents To Get A School District Superintendent Fired? How About Five Constituents Being Able To Get An NCGA Lawmaker Fired?

Imagine it just taking five parents in any given school district to get a superintendent fired.

Actually, that means that less than 600 people carefully selected, somewhat convinced by false pretenses, more than likely indoctrinated, and probably gas-lit, could have every superintendent in the state of North Carolina’s 115 LEAs fired and send every school district into a frenzy.

A Moms For Liberty chapter could have five members in each district come together and hold a district with tens of thousands of students hostage.

That’s what a new amendment in the NC General Assembly will do.

In fact, the new version of SB90 does a lot more than that.

In short,

This “parents bill of rights” idea is really an Orwellian construct to allow the loudest, most easily irritated people to have so much political power that they can literally shut down a public school system while the very people who are giving them that ability can give more money to corporations in tax cuts and send more revenues to private entities that lack any of this proposed oversight.

Even if this does not pass, the ideas presented in this omnibus bill are evidence that actual “defenders of the state constitution” think these are viable actions to take.