Over 7,400 NC Teacher Assistants Lost Since 2008 But Tim Moore Wants To Add $300,000,000 To Voucher Program

North Carolina has over 7400 fewer teacher assistants than it did over a decade ago.

Let me repeat: North Carolina has over 7400 fewer teacher assistants than it over ten years ago.

When study after study published by leading education scholars and education historians preach that reaching students early in their academic lives is most crucial for success in high school and life, our General Assembly  actually promoted one of the largest layoffs in state history in a highly needed area.

As a voter, I am disappointed that the last six years with this GOP-led NCGA has fostered a calculated attack against public schools with more power and money given to entities to privatize education. By eliminating teacher assistants, the NCGA  simply weakened the effectiveness of elementary schools even more and helped substantiate the need to divert my tax money to segregate educational opportunities even more.

Tim Moore is one of those architects.

And Tim Moore has 13 people on his staff: advisors – or rather – assistants. Just look on his website.


Wonder what they make in salaries?

And what about Phil Berger? He has more “teacher assistants.”

In fact, at least four of them made over $100,000 each in 2017. From the Winston-Salem Journal on March 14, 2017:

Four staffers for N.C. Senate leader Phil Berger (R-Rockingham County) make more than $100,000 annually.

Sounds hypocritical to this teacher.

If Moore and Berger want to make the argument that they need a staff / team of assistants, then they would have to acknowledge that schools need teacher assistants as well.

And nurses for each school and psychologists and other personnel who can help our students.

But this is what Moore wants to do as soon as the next short session convenes: