Michele, I Will Not Teach With A Camera In My Room

It was not too long ago that some in Raleigh entertained legislation to arm teachers with guns inside of classrooms. And if you are paying attention to what is happening in Tennessee, that idea is getting traction in heavily red areas that want to pour more money into unregulated vouchers.

And here’s another ill conceived idea rooted in puritanical paranoia coming from someone who has no concept of being in a public school classroom.

This is a woman who has espoused QAnon related conspiracy theories.

This is a woman who believes that Twix bars are laced with witchcraft.

If it doesn’t take any bit of rational or logical premise to make her speculation into gospel, imagine what her already slanted, myopic view of public schools will allow her to think she might see on a camera inside a classroom with a teacher and over 30 students.

Remember that Morrow has already called schools “socialism centers” and “indoctrination centers.”

This teacher with over 25 years of public school experience, who has taught thousands of students directly in a career, who has come into frequent contact with thousands more in a professional setting, who has been observed countless times by administration on a school and county level, who has followed prescribed curriculum, and who has communicated effectively with parents and other stakeholders will not teach with an Orwellian construct inside of a classroom disguised as a safety measure.

Michele Morrow does not have the insight, the perspective, the expertise, and the background to even understand the dynamics of a public school classroom and what effective pedagogy really is. All she has done is shown us what an uninformed, easily triggered, and narrow minded person she is who consistently shows us that her view of public education is motivated by a religious vendetta.

If she were elected as state superintendent, our once strong public school system will never recover.

One thought on “Michele, I Will Not Teach With A Camera In My Room

  1. EXTREMIST ALERT!!! information compiled by Elizabeth Carlson-please circulate


    GOP Nominee for NC Superintendent of Public Instruction

     Michele Morrow is a nurse who homeschools her children and refers to public schools as “indoctrination centers”and “socialism centers.” 

     Morrow is a follower of QAnon. Her social media posts suggest she’s a true believer who has been brainwashed and radicalized. 

    – Morrow has called for the execution of Obama, Biden, Roy Cooper, and other Democrats, as well as the imprisonment of GA Republican Governor Brian Kemp

      In a 2020 post, she recommended a pay-per-view option for the execution of President Barack Obama by firing squad. In response to a post on social media wishing for Obama to be imprisoned at Guantanamo Bay, Morrow replied: “I prefer a pay-per-view of him in front of the firing squad. I do not want to waste another dime on supporting his life. We could make some money back from televising his death.”

     To Morrow and many other QAnon followers this statement is justified because they believe prominent Democrats and other elites form a gang of Satan-worshipping pedophiles who run a global child-sex-trafficking ring that murders children in order to harvest from their blood the allegedly life-extending chemical adrenochrome. 

     Morrow, like other QAnon cultists, views Trump as the savior, and she marched in Washington on January 6th

     Since CNN exposed Morrow’s extremist and violent views, she has been deflecting blame and spreading lies about her opponent, experienced educator Mo Green.

     Morrow is a dedicated, tireless, and glib campaigner who is a real threat who must be taken seriously. People need to be informed about how extreme Morrow is.

    – For the sake of North Carolina children, teachers, and families, Morrow and her delusional, paranoid worldviewmust be keptaway from our public schools. North Carolina needs outstanding educator Mo Green to be elected this November.  













    (Go to 45-minute mark)



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